Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year: Lesson Planning

Happy New Year everyone! This last year has been a year full of blessings, joy, and favor! The Lord is Good and He is Faithful!!!

There are a lot of new and exciting things the Lord is doing in my life and in my family! I will be launching a preschool for a well established Christian school. I am very honored and excited to be opening a preschool (once again!) and directing the program. There are some great ministry opportunities that lie ahead!!

I know my time is going to be stretched with licensing paper work and lesson planning for the blog, so I wanted to start the new year organized! I am happy to announce my lesson plans are done for the month of January! :) I pray that I will organize my time wisely so I can get all the licensing items done and also not let our learning activities fall through the cracks!

I just started this blog four months ago. I am still learning what works for me. I first started by posting once a week, but I learned it was too much information for one post. This time around I will be posting 3 times a week. One post a week on Bible, ABCs, and Theme. 

Here is a look on how I layout my lesson plans.

I used an old lesson layout that's why there are so many blackouts. This layout was from when I was teaching on Tuesdays and Thursdays last school year. I like to see the whole week (or in this case month) on one sheet. I made this lesson plan layout on my computer using Word. Nothing fancy! 

To organize my blog posts I color coded each post. Material content for the Bible posts are in purple. ABC related content is in green and theme is in blue. This way I can look back and make sure I cover all related material in each blog post.

This is what the blank lesson plans look like before writing on it. 

I also made files to organize all the teaching and crafting materials. As I prep each activity I will file it away in the corresponding file! When it's time to do that activity it s all ready together in one place!

I love to hear how you organize your lessons whether you are planning lessons for homeschooling, preschool center or a blog!

Thanks for your support and stopping by! Hope these ideas inspire you!  


Love to hear from you!

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